About Ghent University

Ghent University: a pioneer in international cooperation

Ghent University Global Campus

More than ever, universities are the driving force behind international knowledge exchange and cooperation. Ghent University is continually active on the international stage and takes on a pioneering role in that respect. Rector Rik Van de Walle takes us on a fascinating journey through its successful teaching and research initiatives.

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Welcome to Ghent University… in South Korea


A fully-fledged university campus on the other side of the world with a sign at the entrance: ‘Ghent University’. In addition to campuses in Ghent, Merelbeke, Melle, Bruges, Ostend and Kortrijk, Ghent University even has one in ... South Korea. Professor Wesley De Neve has been teaching Korean Ghent University students there for years and also conducts research there.

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Our thinking needs daring

Think big, Dare big

Everything starts with thought. This is something we've been saying for years – the credo of Ghent University is ‘Dare to Think’. But that’s only half the job. Now more than ever, our thinking needs daring. Full of courage, hope, idealism. Ghent University encourages everyone to take the step from thinking to daring and doing.

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2022: Ghent University in 12 images

Olexiy Lyamtsev

The world did not stand still in 2022. Definitely not at our university. Take a look back at some remarkable moments from last year. From the election of the first alumnus of the year over a remarkable expo to a milestone on our campus in South Korea.

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Meet the hills of Ghent


From the Sint-Kwintensberg over the Sint-Pietersnieuwstraat to the Plateau: we take you over some of the most famous (and trickiest) slopes around Ghent University campuses.

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Language study programmes once again on the rise


Good news for language programmes: enrolment records show that, once again, more students are choosing to study languages, literature and culture at Ghent University. After a number of years of declining interest in the subjects, we seem to have passed a turning point.

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